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klein bottle造句

"klein bottle"是什么意思  
  • More concretely, the double of the M鯾ius strip is the Klein bottle.
  • Stoll sells blown glass Klein bottles through his company Acme Klein Bottles.
  • The same applies to " b " in the Klein bottle example.
  • Stoll sells blown glass Klein bottles through his company Acme Klein Bottles.
  • You need to specify how you loop them into a Klein bottle still.
  • The Klein bottle is an example of such a knotted surface.
  • I found the following gnuplot script in the Commons for a Klein bottle.
  • When embedded in Euclidean space the Klein bottle is one-sided.
  • Another point to add to this is that the Solid Klein bottle is nonorientable.
  • The Klein bottle was first described in 1882 by the German mathematician Felix Klein.
  • It's difficult to see klein bottle in a sentence. 用klein bottle造句挺难的
  • The universal cover of both the torus and the Klein bottle is the plane "'R "'2.
  • If you cut the traditional Klein bottle lengthwise it deconstructs into two, oppositely chiral M鯾ius strips.
  • :I don't see how you could use a klein bottle as a horn or similar instrument.
  • "' Other 2D "'variants can also be performed with sphere, Klein bottle or real projective plane.
  • This relation holds, as Ringel and Youngs showed, for all surfaces except for the Klein bottle.
  • :A Klein bottle is a three-dimensional figure which requires an extra dimension to be comprehended fully.
  • :: A Klein bottle is a topological entity.
  • The traditional Klein bottle embedding is achiral.
  • Klein bottles are four-dimensional one-sided bodies which can only exist in three-dimensional space by intersecting with themselves.
  • Now let's take this to a three dimensional universe on some kind of a generalized klein bottle.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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